Insurrection: America and Trump Three Years Later

Andy Ostroy
3 min readJan 6, 2024

Today marks the three-year anniversary of the January 6th, 2021 deadly insurrection at our nation’s Capitol. And I am more outraged, more disgusted and more disappointed today than I was then.

Let’s start with one simple fact: there would be no J6 without Donald Trump. He is the visionary, the chief architect and prime instigator of the most vile, violent attack on America’s 248-year-old democracy.

Yet three years later, Trump is, shockingly, despite two impeachments, four criminal indictments and 91 felony counts. more popular, more powerful and has a much tighter grip on the Republican Party than he did then. He’s the GOP’s presumptive nominee, leading his opponents by 20–50 points, and who boldly promises dictatorship day-one.

With his Big Lies, Trump has succeeded in revising history. A new Washington Post/University of Maryland poll shows that one quarter of Americans, in particular 34% of Republicans and 30% of independents, now believe it was the FBI which incited the riot. First it was Antifa. And Democrats posing as Trump supporters. And DC cops.

But let’s be clear: it was Trump supporters. Angry, violent, brainwashed Trump supporters. Period. End of fucking story. And they weren’t, as Trump calls them, “loving”. They weren’t “tourists”. They were brutal animals. Who beat…



Andy Ostroy

Director, producer, podcaster, writer, resistor, non-profit-supporter of women filmmakers